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Alexandra School Fête

On the 1st of July 2023, we had a stall at Alexandra Junior School's fête, to show off the choir we have organised in just a

 few weeks and give the students a taster of the kind of musical events we are looking to organise in the future. 


The Twang Music Foundation Choir

When it was time for our Twang Music Foundation Choir, we were missing a few people who could not make it to the fete, but we had a good turn out! We also only had 4 weeks worth of practise sessions before our performance, which was very impressive. 


Rock School Workshop

Next up, we had our Rock School workshop! Whilst this is something that is not in place just yet, judging by all

the interest we got on the day, we are hoping to get this up and running as soon as possible. 

We had an electric guitar, bass guitar, various types of drums and percussion, and boom whackers. 

We had a fantastic time at the fete! We would like to thank everyone who took part, everyone who watched and everyone who donated! Lastly, we would like to thank Alexandra Junior School, their wonderful headteacher Claudette Maragh and everyone who helped us out whilst we were there!


Pictured from the left: Matt, Francesca, AJS Headteacher Claudette Maragh, Emily and Alison (Trustee).

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